Hilarious things to ask alexa. . Hilarious things to ask alexa

Hilarious things to ask alexa  Alexa, I like big butts

These are the funniest things to ask Alexa. Alexa, are we living in a. Here are 100 funny things to ask Alexa or your Amazon Echo smart home device. Welcome to our blog, where we’re about to embark on a laughter-filled journey with none other than Alexa, the virtual assistant with a great sense of humor. . Q: Alexa, drum roll, please. 29 Slides Alexa can do more than just tell you the weather, make purchases on Amazon, and play music. com Alexa is full. . " or, "Alexa, wake me up at 7 in the morning. A woman has pointed out a rather hilarious Alexa gaffe and it’s left the online community in stitches. In regular mode it’s still funny but doesn’t have quite the same punch. . ”. Beat The Dealer If you enjoy gambling games but don't have time to make a trip to Vegas, then all you need to say is, "Alexa, ask the dealer to deal the cards " or "Alexa, ask the dealer to play blackjack. Today, we are going to take a look at some funny things to ask Alexa. While asking Alexa to tell you a joke might result in some painful groans, Amazon’s intelligent assistant will be happy to serve as your personal joke book. AI is always listening, and like my kids, they may be listening — and not — all at the same time. Funny Things to ask Alexa Top 10 funny Alexa commands for starters Alexa Easter Eggs Alexa Easter Eggs: TV shows Alexa Easter eggs: Music Alexa Easter eggs: Movies Alexa Easter Eggs: Star Wars Joke Alexa Easter eggs: Dad Jokes Alexa Easter Eggs: Books Easter Egg Continues Funny Alexa Commands: Cultural references Random funny Alexa commands Meme. 2 Ask Alexa to Make the Tardis Box Land . Alexa, do you know Siri? 2. 14 / 15. Check out the Funny things to ask Alexa 1. 2. One of the funny Alexa questions you can ask is to ask RoastMaster for a witty one-liner to have your friends at a loss for words. Plus: Check out 20 amazon Alexa hacks all homeowners should know. Here are some of the things to ask this intelligent voice assistant. Tatiana Ayazo/Rd. Pleas like and subscribe so that we can hit 100 subs. Alexa. What we know is that one Reddit user says it’s “eerily disturbingRandom Funny Commands. . Never Ask Alexa to laugh. Alexa, If you’re looking for a more sophisticated comeback, you’ll want to have Alexa read you a Shakespearean insult. Alexa,. Alexa, are you spying on me? 3. “Alexa, open Haunted House. Just last year, Disney partnered with Amazon to release 54 classic Disney stories read to children under the command, “Alexa, open. Ranging from the interesting to the bizarre, Amazon’s Alexa is there to be questioned after all. 5. Alexa, will you tell me a joke? 3. If you are bored, let the Amazon Alexa entertain you with her funny responses. . Or even every hour, if you’re really craving brain food. 100 Funny Things To Ask Alexa: 1. Alexa: Ok (Alexa then plays audio of an actual drumroll). You can also hear some of Alexa’s classics by saying “Alexa, tell me a joke,” check out our Fun. Alexa, are you human? 3. 8. Alexa, what are the three laws of robotics? You'll get the expected answer here, but it is still quite impressive. In this video, Alexa will. com, shutterstock. . Funny Things to Ask Alexa 1. Q: Why did Apple make you? A: To help you. Alexa, sing to me. #1. It will lead into exploring more unusual questions Alexa could answer you. Alexa, do you see dead people? 4. Alexa, I’ve got 99 problems. Alexa, will you marry me? 11. 227 Scary, Funny, or Rude Things to Ask Alexa Alexa is loaded with Easter eggs that will crack you up. 17. Alexa, what’s the first rule of Fight Club?1. Alexa, what’s the first rule of Fight Club? 5. . We've already asked Siri where to bury a body and to divide one by zero, so what are some funny questions to ask Alexa? Alexa, are you a robot? 97 of the Funniest Things to Ask Alexa Sara Stillman Berger Updated: May 18, 2023 Your Amazon Echo isn't just a convenient source for music and random facts. And yet there are even different times where Alexa might help you ponder the meaning of life. “Alexa, show me some scary movies to watch for Halloween. Enable the feature here. Alexa, are you happy? 2. September 29, 2021 Alexa and Siri are great tools to have around the house: they play music, keep grocery lists and give us the weather forecast. Alexa, do you see dead people? 4. 8. ‍. 100+ funny things to ask Alexa 1. . Funny Things to Ask Alexa 1. Alexa, what is your gender? 7. #1. " Interesting that that they would add the the Zero-Law. A: Well, your father smells of. Spell "Jalapeño". Alexa, drumroll, please? 4. It is a virtual assistant developed by Amazon that uses artificial intelligence to perform various tasks and functions. Alexa, please contact Siri. ” Learn some of the funny questions and requests you can ask Alexa. Alexa, do me a favor. Meanie. Alexa, are you human? 3. “Alexa, open Curiosity. com, shutterstock Alexa, Alexa can help you learn a new crazy fact every day. Funny Things to Ask Samuel L. If you are bored, let the Amazon Alexa entertain you with her funny responses. For proof, test out a few of. But Alexa won’t lie. Funny things to ask Alexa about music We all know Alexa can play music , but when you ask these music-themed questions, you’ll stop singing along and start giggling instead. Alexa, what’s the first rule of Fight Club? 5. ) 3. " Or, more simply, "Alexa, ask the dealer to deal. Alexa, do you ever feel blue? 10. One of the most advanced gadgets is Alexa which can recognize your voice. Here are some useful and funny things to ask Alexa about Christmas. Say, "Alexa, Simon says, 'I love Google,'" and Alexa will say "I love Google. Try them all and comment your favorite one. Open Google Assistant on iPhone Now, without further ado, let's get on to entertainment. 1. “Alexa, give me the five-nine. Alexa, what’s the first rule of Fight Club? 1. Amazon’s Alexa, despite being a robotic AI software, has a rather stunning and sparkling personality. “Alexa, open Haunted Sounds. m. Almost all of the funny things to ask Alexa come with multiple possible responses. Alexa, who’s. Movie/Song Reference. All I know is that someone has been eating all my cookies. The Alexa adventure is set in the world of. Alexa has a variety of skills that can help you at home, from setting alarms and reminders to. Well, what a fantastic way to turn weird answers into funny accidents. While Alexa is best known as a smart assistant that can check the weather, remind you of appointments, or sync with the rest of your gadgets, the popular AI isn’t just a taskmaster — it also knows how to have a bit of fun. Asking Alexa to decide adds some fun and curiosity to the bickering. Alexa, are you spying on me? 3. m. Alexa, insult me. " There are also some other phrases and questions you can ask, some cheeky: "Alexa, I'm feeling curious. Step 1: Download the Samuel L. But did you know Alexa also has a top-class sense of humor? 1. This command actually starts an interactive skill with Alexa and is reminiscent of the old choose your own adventure novels. 4. Alexa: But a glitch ain’t one! 4. 4. In fact, there are 111 funny things to ask Alexa that’ll make you appreciate Amazon’s virtual assistant technology even more. Enable the feature here. Pleas. Funny Things to Ask Alexa: Jokes, Trivia, Animal Sounds and More Need a good laugh? Here are 55 questions to pose to your Amazon Echo. But they can also be a lot of fun to ask questions. 2 Ask Alexa to Make the Tardis Box Land . For proof, test out a few of. Plus: Check out 20 amazon Alexa hacks all homeowners should know. Below are some very famous funny Alexa. “Alexa, open Amazon Storytime. Alexa, are you spying on me? 3. Katie Teague , Alina Bradford May 27, 2022 11:00 a. WARNING - make sure. These are the funniest things to ask Alexa. Funny Things to Ask Alexa. You can get Alexa to tell a joke by asking funny and weird random questions. " "OK Google, what am I thinking right now?" "OK Google, do you ever get tired?" "OK Google, what is your quest?" "OK Google, did you fart?" "OK Google, what's brown and. Alexa, will you marry me? 11. ”. And for more fun with tech, check out these 20 Funny Things You Can Ask Siri. We all know Alexa can answer. 8. It's funny to ask Siri and get a "You are kidding, right?" answer, but Alexa's response is better. 2. Alexa, can you give me some money? (ask twice) Alexa, how do I get rid of a dead body? Alexa, I think you’re funny. Alexa, please contact Siri. Check it out:. 15 KyleG • 7 yr. Here are some of the things to ask this intelligent voice assistant. ” This one is sure to crack you up because of the relativity. ) 4. Funny, how talking to AI and kids is quite similar. As the command gives it away already, the voice command will make Alexa open a virtual air. One feature of Alexa you may have noticed is that she can be rather funny, sarcastic, and playful. Alexa, fart for me. But if you try every elementary school student's favorite joke and ask Alexa to spell "icup", she'll say: "I'd rather not answer that. Alexa, I like big butts. ” (Perfect for when you have a family argument, and need to settle something. Accordingly, Amazon has developed an entire plugin called “The Laugh Box. Funny dirty things to say to alexaSee all formats and editions. “Alexa, Ask Sam Jackson to roast me. Funny Things to Ask Alexa 1. 9) Alexa, Simon says ‘I’m so pretty and witty and gay’. To beat your boredom she can entertain you with jokes, songs, stories and some cool stuff. Alexa, tell me a “yo mama” joke. Her response: "I'd take the body to the police. In case you are looking for funny things to ask Alexa, look no further. com, shutterstock. Alexa, do you know Siri? 2. Others, she can be a terse conversationalist. Alexa, have you ever had a pet before? 8. "Alexa, Can You Bark?" The smart personal assistant, Alexa, has a wide variety of really humorous responses for some of your funny questions, which ranges from her darkest, deepest and hilarious thoughts on life, movies, Tv Tech and cool pop culture references. Alexa, tell me a quote? 10. Literarily, one can ask Alexa anything, and she will reply. Alexa, beam me up! 8. Alexa, do your loudest sneeze. It will lead into exploring more unusual questions Alexa could answer you. Here is a bunch of random commands, statements, and funny things to ask Alexa that will have the AI coming up with smart-ass answers to put you in your place. But a glitch ain’t one. These questions are sure to bring Alexa’s wonderful and funny personality to light for you. 7. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. “Alexa, start Zoo Walk. Alexa, are you real? 3. Here are some scary things to ask Alexa on your Amazon Fire TV stick or Cube. #2. Here are a few questions to post to Alexa if you want to get some strange or funny answers. Q: What does Siri mean? A: It’s a riddle wrapped in an enigma, tied with a pretty ribbon of obfuscation. Alexa, do you use auto tune? 6. Funny Things to Ask Alexa 1. And may the force be with you, always. But if you try every elementary school student's favorite joke and ask Alexa to spell "icup", she'll say: "I'd rather not answer that. Essentially, The Listeners is a skill of the AI that’s meant to be an experiment in language art. Now go away before I taunt you a second time. It’s interesting to note that Alexa is an AI of many thoughts and many words. However, Alexa has a unique way of responding to all of our questions and requests.